Friday, November 26, 2010

The Ones We Love Never Truly Leave Us.

Today I got the terrible news that my grandmother had passed away.

My grandparents in 1955
For anyone who does not know, my grandmother has been battling with Alzheimer's for the better part of a year and a half, along with all of the other health issues that comes along with it.

Yesterday, Thanksgiving day, my great aunt Betty had passed away. My grandfather, who has taken care of my grandmother along with the help of hospice, had a feeling they would pass away on the same day, since they were sisters. He was a day off, but still very close.

My grandparents and I at Disneyworld in 1995

My grandmother was the best of the best. She was a nurse for over 30 years, and always knew how to make you feel better. She would always bake cookies, pizza pie, and pumpkin rolls for the holidays. Plus she always made the best mashed potatoes and gravy.

She would hem my pants when I was 12, because my 5'2 statue would always end up ripping the back of my pants.

She was the chatterbox of the family. I could remember my mother being on the phone with her for hours at a time, and my grandmother would always talk her head off at family gatherings. She was always laughing and always smiling, something I miss the most.

She had a major part in raising me, as my parents got a divorce when I was young, and she was always there to color with when no one else was. Plus she was always happy to rat my mom out about things she did as a kid that got her into trouble.

My grandparents and I at my high school graduation in May 2008

The last day that I saw her was yesterday, for Thanksgiving. She wasn't herself at all, and she hadn't been for over a year. But I told her I loved her, and I told her goodbye when I left.

In a sense, my family and I are a little revealed. We, of course, never wanted her to leave us, but the life she was living was not living at all, and it was the life she always hated. She couldn't move on her own, she couldn't speak, she couldn't eat or drink. She never wanted to live the life she had seen in patients she worked with so many times.

But I know she is in a better place now, wherever that may be. I have a feeling she is sitting with the rest of her family, gardening or hemming more pants for me when the time comes to see her again.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday Wishlist: Christmas List!

I know we are not even passed Thanksgiving yet, (which is tomorrow!) but I have seen some Christmas list posts on a couple blogs, and with all the Christmas songs and items in store, I am already getting into the spirit! So here are a couple items from this year's list!

These are just a few of the highlights from my wish list, most being books, gift cards, money, and "Happy Days" and "I Love Lucy" on DVD. Totally not that exciting of a list! Oh well!

What is on your Christmas list this year?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Study Day!

Today is homework day for me! Except I am not so excited.

Today, hopefully, I will be working on my English paper that is due tomorrow that I have barely started.
I am such a procrastinator!
But really, I need to write this paper even though I will end up browsing the internet for a couple hours and then get too tired to write the paper. Buh!

Who else has issues getting their homework done because they procrastinate too much!?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Things I Love Thursday!

Time for another round of Things I Love Thursday!

1. Sara Bareilles' "Kaleidoscope Heart"
I have been listening to this album SO much the past month and a half, it is ridiculous! If you haven't heard it, I highly suggest it!

2. Pen Pal Letters!
I have so many letters that I need to reply to and I keep getting even more. Which. actually, it keeps me a little busy on my down time, so that is a plus! I love pen pals! I have a huge box that if FULL of letters...and I mean FULL of them. I may have to go buy another box soon!

3. Creepy Pasta!
I have been reading so many creepy stories on LiveJournal communities, people have even posted 'stories' from I get legit creeped out by them all and can never sleep!

The fact that it looks like it is squashed in a bookshelf completely sold me. I have no idea if it is a real house (probably not) but if it is then I would be trying to buy that so fast!

5. Kittens!
I have been itching to get a kitten, but will hold off on it for many reasons. One of the big ones is because I have no idea how my cat, Quinn, will react to a new cat since he is the 'baby' of the house and the last cat to be added to the family. Such a spoiled cat too! But this kitten above is so, so adorable!

What things have you been loving this week?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 Months...

April 2010

Yesterday was Brad and I's 10 month anniversary. 

I honestly can't believe that it has already been 10 months, yet at the same time, I can't believe it hasn't been longer. He is honestly the best person I have met in my whole life, as cliché as it sounds.

January 2010

How we met is a long, and maybe a confusing story for some. So I wont type it all out here.
We met in December, the day after Christmas, and after that day, the rest just kind of took off.  We dated for a couple weeks before becoming "official" on January 8th.

February 2010

We are so different, yet so alike at the same time. He is a total guy (cars, video games, paint ball) and I'm much more of a girly girl these days (dresses, make up, bubble baths). Yet we have both rubbed off on each other. I now play Call of Duty among other video games with him. And he has taken me to go see CATS, seriously, not many guys would sit through that. And a couple more ~girly~ shows that I used to watch he now watches all the time. (I will keep those shows unnamed because I know he will get mad at me!). I listen to his music, and he deals with me playing Joseph Gordon-Levitt singing "Bad Romance" on repeat. He dress shops with me and I offer to go to his car shows, but I think he is too embarrassed to take me because I know nothing! Haha =]

And he is probably the only person that will lay in bed ALL day and watch stupid SyFy movies with me...or the Friday the 13th movie marathon.

September 2010

He is literally my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend/best friend. He does way too much for me and he doesn't have to. I can be 100% myself around him and that rarely happens.  He is always the first person I go to about anything, ANYTHING. And he gets my dumb jokes, or just laughs to make me feel better about how lame they are.

October 2010

I love this guy so much more than I could ever explain. He has completely changed my life, the way I think of myself, and the way I view things.

I couldn't see myself with anyone else, and I haven't been happier.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Giveaway at Little Chief Honeybee!

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of updating the past week, I have been busy with babysitting my nieces. homework, and signing up for more classes for winter semester.
I will be back to blogging like normal shortly!

Today I have to share with you TWO giveaways that my fellow blogger Kaelah is having over at her blog!

First is a huge handmade giveaway

You can win all this great stuff (plus a cupcake stand that isn't pictured). It is truely adorable! Click the button above to read more on the giveaway!

The second giveaway you can find by clicking HERE!

You can win  a 2011 A Year in Yes calendar and a set of 3 lovely art prints! 

I would highly suggest  hopping over there and entering! Each giveaway has multiple entries, so you have more of a chance to win!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Giveaway at Holly Knitlightly!

There is a lovely giveaway over at Holly Knitlightly's blog! You get a chance to win one of her knit cowls!  She has many colors that you can choose from and they look adorable!

So head on over to her blog and join the giveaway! There are many ways you can join, giving you more than one entry!