Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things I Love Thursday!

I have read many blogs that do a "Things I Love..." and I started doing one on my LiveJournal for Tuesdays. But with my classes being Monday and Wednesday, Tuesday is my 'make sure to get all my homework done' day, and I just don't have time to do it. So I have moved it to Thursdays!

1. Friday the 13th marathon.
There has been a Friday the 13ths marathon going on all week, and I love it! I haven't seen a lot of the movies in a while and half the time, when I do watch one, I have no idea which one it is!

2. America's Next Top Model
I have been super sick the past couple days, and today I ended up missing class and staying in bed all day. I ended up watching cycle 5 all day, even if I did fall asleep halfway through. I always seem to watch the same cycles though, nothing past cycle 7. For some reason I don't like the newer ones.

3. This shower!
My goodness! I would love this shower/bath tub. I could see myself in it all day, every day.

4. Fresh Fruit Cups!
This looks so good right now, and honestly, with my sore throat, cold, fresh fruit would be amazing!

What are somethings that you guys loving right now?


  1. The fresh fruit cup and the shower/bath look incredible. I think I'd want to spend all day in that shower/bath as well. It looks so calm and peaceful...and inviting.

    Bloggers Swap on Swap-Bot

  2. Fresh fruit. Now I'm hungry.

    Following you from SwapBot Bloggers Swap.


  3. Ah, fresh fruits. Cold is the best way, right?

    Am following you from Swapbot bloggers swap, hellobg :)

  4. I love that shower!! How does it work, though!? Lol. Doesn't look like there's much room to stand around. By the way, I love your blog, it's great.

    happymilk on swap-bot
    Bloggers Swap!

  5. I'm loving that shower!!!!! and those fruit cups look great too.

    teemnis from blogger's swap

  6. Mnifye stopping by from Swap-Bot and the Bloggers swap.

    What a great shower/tub combo. I'm with you and that I would spend way too much time in there if I had one!

    I'm loving pumpkings, wreaths, colorful leaves and candy corn in my snack mix now that it is fall.

  7. Those shower is awesome and I now wish I had one. Stopping by from Swap-Bot for the Blogger Swap. You have a great blog and I look forward to following it!

  8. Love the look of that shower. Those fruit cups look delish. YUM!

    Bloggers Swap!

  9. mmm... those fruit cups look amazing. now i'm hungry. :)

    hippofairy on Swap-bot
    Blogger Follwers #2 swap
